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Core Values







First and foremost, reputations matter for the leadership team who established trust and reliability through their multiple businesses and careers worldwide.  The value of any business is predicated on expectations of satisfaction, thoroughness and confidence that commitments are absolute.  As a company, ARC will always demonstrate credibility and looks to the same attributes in its partnerships and business transactions.

Business acumen and success doesn’t grow on trees.  It takes years of experience and a natural sense “what else is possible” to recognize what new, different or truly unique opportunities are within reach by simply re-imagining what’s in the company’s tool kit.  This is ARC’s story and why the company is poised to expand in markets with products and services that will make a difference centerstage by improving our communities.

Each new product line or new capability is a byproduct or idea borne from a current product or service.  Intuitively, a new design or process comes to mind intended to solve a problem, but it’s the adaptation of functional elements, through science, that enables a concept on paper to evolve and transform into a marketable solution.  It’s the initiative to constantly create that drives success and brand recognition while adding to the bottom line. 

It’s all too common for remedies to look and sound the same especially in a big “sandbox of solutions.” Picking the right choice is not only about interpreting message, messenger and audience, but understanding details of actual performance, efficacy and long-term benefits. The competitive sandboxes where ARC conducts business delivers products and services through many credible brands, but markets are as wide as they are porous and rewards better performance delivered by the right, credible messenger – ARC.

This is where reality meets intentions. Internal investments have successfully strived to repeatedly demonstrate design outcomes.  For ARC, there’s an inherent discipline that seeks results that not only matter but make a difference – in the market and to the bottom line.  It’s driven invention and differentiation.  To continue, investment is needed to optimize opportunities the company has created and drive next levels of performance.

The above core values are important if not essential to ARC’s continued success.  In business, however, rewards to the bottom line should also help earn recognized significance in the marketplace and in our communities.  Our vision, if executed properly, should be of significant value, and actually solve problems faster, more effectively and with credibility. 

As a company, we at Armor Research Company aspire to make a difference in the safety and security of communities and our Nation.  Aspirations are measured, practical and align with our company vision.

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